Sunday, August 25, 2013

A pleasant experience

For this month I had so much to share, it was a battle between the experiences this summer and a strangely pleasant experience I had yesterday while walking home. So I ended up choosing my rather pleasant experience.
Yesterday after an exhausting day at work, and by exhausting I mean running after 8 clients who have various developmental challenges. It was straining and draining. I decided that doesn’t matter how tired I am, it’s Friday and I need to be happy. So when I got out of the bus I had my headphones on and I spotted a pinecone. It was half broken and swooshed yet something about it intrigued me. I decided to play little soccer game with it and started tossing it forward and back with my foot while I walked. Initially it kept me entertained but there came a point where I wanted to abandon the pinecone and just walk straight home. But I took it as a challenge to take this piece of pine cone directly to my house. Doing so meant that my travel will take twice its time because it was really hard to maneuver such a small piece of object with my feet.  So I kicked and kicked, it got frustrating and tiring, people passing by stared at me strangely, a few laughed, and believe it or not a few even stopped pointed and laughed. At the stop light when I picked up the pine cone crossed the road and threw it on the side walk and once again started kicking, people started peeping out of their cars to stare at what was so important to me that I picked up and then laughed when they saw what it really was. Through this journey with my pine cone I realized that life is a resemblance of this one single experience of mine.  That piece of pine cone, no matter how small and worthless it looked it was still something I aspired for so it was my goal/dream. To others it was worthless, stupid and a sense of mockery. So when we walk the path of life with our own dreams with a vision of our finish line we will meet a lot of people in our lives that will laugh at us for having such a goal, might even intimidate us to stop our paths and change our ways but we must keep on moving. Because the way we saw our end goal, the way we envisioned our lives is not the way they see it. Our dreams are our own creation, and there will come a point where it will become close to impossible for you to continue any longer, you will start questioning your choices. In no ways is it bad to analyze and refurbish your dreams but never change its coarse because you think it’s taking too long or it’s something you cannot and should not aspire. Believe me a small goal like getting the pine cone home made me the happiest girl in the block. It was so uplifting because I finished what I had started.
From this extremely strange yet uplifting experience I have learned that life is about patience, it’s about believing in your dreams and it’s about moving forward no matter what the obstacle.

“Dream like you have forever to achieve it, strive for it like you have today”

Hope you enjoy it !!..If you like it that is :)

Skeptical Self :)

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