Friday, May 10, 2013

As the famous saying "The only thing in life that is certain is its uncertainty" - 

As I graduated approximately a year ago I knew it was not going to be easy to deal with the change. But as I graduated and stood on that podium to accept my degree I had set goals in life, what I wanted to achieve and by what time I wanted to do it. I was also aware that goals are never achieved in the time frame you decide them to be achieved at, because no matter how much you deny it destiny will play a role in your life. As I mentioned before that I am at a stage of my life where a lot of major changes are due; personal, career, and physical. Each change is important in its own way and it’s the peak time where it needs to happen. Knowing these facts its stresses one, and so does it for me. I am stressed that when and how am I going to rise above in my career when the jobs are so scarce to find, the opportunity for me to meet someone interesting is close to eliminated, and my body from now on will only be weaker as the day passes. The last one I sound like I am in my mid 30’s but in this day and age of the kind of food and stress, the new mid 30’s are the mid 20’s.

While all these issues were going on in my mind, my bday was approaching and like every year this year it was no different. Every year I get extremely depressed around the week of my bday because I start reminiscing the past year and what I have achieved and as a new grad from university sitting at home from almost 9 months this year was at its lowest. I was going to turn 23 and I had achieved close to nothing or at least taken the step to achieve what I wanted to. But then one day while sitting on the bus it occurred to me that we all get so busy in life thinking about the end goals in life that we miss out all the little things that we always wanted to do. So I sought out for the little things that I always wanted to do, in fact always talk about yet never manage to achieve them.

This is when I wrote the 25 things in life that I really want to do before I turn 25, one of the things including writing a blog every month till I turn 25. So here is the first one. Every time I check off one of the things on the list I shall mention it at the end of the blog,

Coming back to the point I was trying to make was, fretting over the big things in life that take long times to achieve will only get you further away from your goals. Because the more stressing you do the less time you give yourself in strategy making for your goals. Also by achieving the little things you are giving yourself an ego boost from self achievement and fulfillment, and the bonus is you most likely are going to enjoy doing it. Another thing is sharing these goals with friends only makes them permanent, gives them validity. Since someone else knows what you want to achieve it drives you to achieve it faster to prove not only to yourself but to the one’s that know.

Goal achieved – Go clubbing once!! (it sounds like a silly one, but hey I went to it once and now I know why I shall never be excited to go again. But as I said friends help achieve it and this one goes out to my friends who took me out for clubbing ...and made sure I didn’t run out of the place ....hahaha).

“Goals are what you make of them, you can either have them or you can achieve them. There is no middle ground” – Jaini  

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