Thursday, November 4, 2010


The relationship between commitment and doubt is by no means an antagonistic one. Commitment is healthiest when it is not without doubt but in spite of doubt. ~ Rollo May 

Whenever we here the word commitment we tend to get rather anxious. We believe that after we are committed to something our lives are gonna go into endless doom of despair. I am not talking about relationship commitment but more or less about every kind of commitment, something as simple as committing ourselves to not drink pop for a month. I always wondered why people are so afraid of commitments to a task. Why is it that before the commitment is made that same task is so much more fun to do and after the label is put upon you that you are committed to this task we all of a sudden loose interest in performing in it. I can understand to  some extent why this might be the case. Its basically the idea between having that element of surprise that constant level of adrenaline that happens when you don't know whats about to come. But its should be the same with committed task, the element of surprise is still there just in a different context. Its very complicated topic too tackle, but my theory on this would be that we are just afraid of failure. When i say theory i means that a general observation that i have seen in these committed situation. Fear of failure nice alliteration...but nevertheless that is the case. Humans love conquering every task that they take on. They like to dominate over and succeed in everything they attempt to do .But when commitment comes into play the outcomes becomes known and definite. For e.g. if you promise yourself not to have a drink for a month and you get weaken by a stimulus and have a drink you failed in that task. Due to that failure you will be considered weak with no self control and someone who cannot achieve taken on tasks. This will in turn demean your authority as a superior being hence greatly affect your self esteem. All this sounds like gibberish but if you think about it to some extent this is true. Another example would be afraid to choose a major for your degree. We don't necessarily choose what we are interested in but rather what we think we might be successful in. If we only choose things we like and got committed to them than a lot of us would see the face of failure. If i wanted to become a famous guitar player and become committed to having a career in that than it is not necessary that will particularly happen. So when the big picture is looked upon we tend to bend towards things we are capable of succeeding in. You can also argue that what is failure and who decides failure. Well for this post all i gotta say is that failure is definitely relative and  different people have different perspective. 
A quote with a pun : "If i won't fail it , i will nail it ;P" ----Skeptical Self 

enjoy:)  hopefully that is 

Skeptical Self :)


  1. then how do you explain the fact that when a student actually likes their major then they succeed in it to a greater extent than those students who don't enjoy their major?

    I completely agree that people are afraid of failure and this failure keeps us from committing to something, even thought commitment is one of the most reassuring and comforting things. how do you think we can over come this fear in order to be able to commit to something?

  2. to ur first question is the misconception of wat u think u are capable of ..for example i think i m good singer..many might disagree...i can pursue i can love it and still not do good in, but sometimes i can go into something i love and succeed in it such as a major of studies, the theory tht i suggested is not true universally, it definitely has its limits and also pertains to the context, like studies is something that u can learn with practice no one is unskilled to do that, but with skills such as art and creativity along with preactice u need an innate talent...hopefully i made sense.

    we can overcome the fear of commitment by believing that nothing changes when you commit to something infact it should make us more sincere about that task and it becomes reassuring that the longer u stick to the task u are bound to get good results if not good they won't produce bad ones. for example u might not become a playback singer but u will sing, something u love to do, hence be happier in life than doing something u hate but are good at like ..a course in calculus :)

  3. why cant you guys be this productive with the english forums!
    oh wait i cant commit to it!

  4. perfect Neha:P......we can't commit to it coz we are scared of failure :P
