Friday, October 22, 2010

Unconscious purpose

Its a friday night almost a sat morning, sitting in front of the computer absolutely wasting my time. Well you may wonder if i already know that this is waste of time why would i be doing it in the first place? Well there are lot of things that we think that are a waste of time but we do them nevertheless. For example watching the same movies over and over again, talking on the phone for hours saying stuff like " so umm yea wats new" once at least 5 minutes or checking facebook every 2 mins eventhough we know nothing new went on it. So why do we do these worthless time consuming, wasting energy and never benefit us? I have tried not doing these activities and being more productive like , reading textbooks, baking, cleaning but eventhough they are such highly productive activities they more or less felt like chores. And whenever something is joined to the label of chores it can never give you satisfaction. What truly gives people satisfaction is challenging their imaginative side, social self and thought provoking.Humans absolutely thrive on putting themselves into fictitious characters and imagining a life that they themselves cannot enjoy, thus reading novels and watching cheezy movies fulfills craving of living an interesting life is achieved. Social networks most definitely waste a lot of time of an individual through non-sense tags and games, but i am 100 percent sure that when ever we get tagged in a post especially the ones that include a less amount of people our self esteem take a leap for sure. It makes us feel like we are part of someones life and someone else thinks of us as an important member. According to big bang theory's character it might be a useless thing to wish for, but according to a Nativist we can explain that it is all evolutionary need. We all need to create contacts so human kind can procreate and when in time of need can call our "pact" to save the human kind :P....seems rather ironic since we are out to ruin our own kind and we are actually fulfilling that criteria pretty well. One side of the coin, make connections and socialize to get your ass saved when needed, but on the other side go behind the same people and shoot their brains out so they won't go against your beliefs and ideas.
               This post seems rather opinionated and messy and seems like a long boring essay. Well actually truthfully speaking rambling on about random topic and not really reaching a concise agreement to any matter is the biggest problem with a person who is OVERLY skeptical about anything. Coming up with a skeptical little conclusion to my post is that ......well wasting time seems useless but our chimpanzee brain is actually trying to make us more efficient creature that can possibly save our asses in the future, and also help us imagine a different life that we could live.

Enjoy !!!! hopefully that is:P

Skeptical mee ;P


  1. chimpanzee brain? LOL
    I liked it *thumbs up*

  2. sheeshhh ...towhid give a more incentive comment....:P....i knw u absolutely enjoy everything i say :p koi too originalityyy:P

  3. ok fine..i dont necessarily agree with what you have said about things becoming boring after you label them as a 'chore'. Because that's not ALWAYS true..yea most of the time it is. But not always. It depends on the thing you do. Yes checking facebook every 2 min even though you know there is not gonna b a new update.. is redundant and useless. But it's still fun. Everytime you go dont just check your own page...but also check your home page, which has other ppl's updates and you might click someone's name or go through someone's pictures. It's fun. Now about studying. Well We mostly hate studying coz it's super boring. But that's not always true. Sometimes some course materials are pretty interesting for you to not be able to put the book away. For example, I took Greek Mythology last year. And swear to god I could not put that book away. I "studied" more for that course than any of my other courses. Even though that was my elective and other courses were my mandatory courses. So It's not always true. We just tend to engage ourselves into activities that we tend to enjoy.

  4. lol..i never disagreed to the fact that it doesn't give us enjoyment..all i said was there is always a purpose to y humans in general enjoy certain activities compared to others ...meaning an unconscious purpose that we are aiming for. people who study a lot of one topic is b/c they are thriving for knowledge because they believe that information will lead them into something that will help them achieve something in the future, it can be materialistic or emotional. Another thing i never said people go on fb for their page i just mentioned fb in general and sometimes there isn't anything new even on ur homepage but we are still eager.....u get my point don't u towhid ...but i knww u wil still disagreee :P

  5. And whenever something is joined to the label of chores it can never give you satisfaction

    you already know thats my favourite line:)

    Personally, I don't think anything we do is a waste of time. Everything has a purpose.
    Like you said, we socialize... seems a little pointless but we do it subconsciously (sometimes consciously) to help our self survive... i think that goes for everything.. there's always a reason to do things.
    Like sometimes we try and figure out why were doing something.. we take all that time to try and figure out a reason, then we end up losing that opportunity because we waited too long to figure out a reason... sometimes you just have to do things for the sake of doing them :)

  6. true say bio lab 7 ...hahahaha
    i completely agree with your thoughts.....we should go ahead and do the things we matter wat ther is always a purpose to it ....grab wat u can ....and noo not everything is for a grab...i meant just opportunities ...:P:P

  7. lol EVERYTHING is for grab... you just have to have the guts to reach out and take it:D

  8. lol it's biol lab 7 not bio lab 7 skeptical
    and yes i agree with biol lab 7...everything is for grab...just grab whatever you can :p

  9. yes skeptical, i would appreciate it if you used my name correctly.
    always grab what you can.. then go for the things you can't grab.. until you can grab them:)
