I had a DREAM !!
We all have dreams, some we remember and some we don’t. I particular
have this gift sometimes not so much of a gift that I have elaborate dreams and then
I seem to vividly remember them. A couple
of nights ago I had such a dream. In this
dream I had gone camping with a lot of random people, I seem to have made new
friends in my dream. While camping with my new found friends we decided to go
for a walk in the woods, and while walking we come across this pond/lake, as I
am lacking of that particular detail let’s say it was a body of water. So we
all go to the shore of the water body and look into it. The water seemed
opaque, but this wasn't the odd part. Whenever any of us looked into the water,
instead of seeing our reflections we saw a series of images passing by us. When looked closely it seemed to be images
from our past being reflected back to us. All of us in awe couldn't believe
what our eyes were seeing. But the image we saw was our very recent past. So we
were very familiar with it. One of my adventurous friends decided to take a
leap into the water and tread it deeper. Though in real life I believe being a
pessimist I would have stopped him from doing such a thing. I decided otherwise
in my dream, I encouraged him to take that leap. As he tread through the water
deeper, he began to get excited and kept on going deeper. But he seemed to be
so excited to tell us what he saw that he came back out. He told us that as he tread deeper into the
water he was able to see more images from his past, the deeper he went the more
he saw, but he said something else to. According to him as he swam further into
the water, it seem to get slimier, he wasn't able to swim well as he went
further. One of my other dream friends not believing this decided to tread
deeper. And this time she swam deep enough that we saw her struggling to come a
float. At this point all of us got worried and
through the help of a large stick tried to pull her out of the water. Panicking
and almost breathless she said she thought she would be stuck in the water
forever. Of course after this incident none of my adventurous friends decide to
go anywhere near the water.
I finally awoke from this elaborate dream. Waking up from
it, I began to have a really eerie feeling. I wondered what this dream could
possibly mean. Though it’s not necessary that your dreams have to have a
meaning, but I decided to learn from this particular one. From this
dream though, I learnt that one should always peep into the past, just to stay
connected to a piece of us. But don’t keep going back to it, and start living
in the past. Because the further you go into the past, the harder it will
become for you to look ahead, and you will be stuck there, and it will become
impossible to pull you out of that trance.
“Peep into your past, live in your present, and build your
Hope you like it!
Skeptical Self