Wednesday, February 12, 2014


As it has been clear that I have been inactive for the last couple of months, so in this I have broken a promise to myself of writing a blog every month. I won't really justify the reasons to why I have not been able to write one but I had a huge writers block. I don't know if its gone completely yet, but its an attempt to write one because a few of you have requested that I write something. 

The biggest adventure for me these months was travelling to India. After eleven long years of being privileged to live in a great nation like Canada I had the opportunity to dig up my roots again. As I landed. I saw a swamp of people waiting outside the airport, probably more than the people that actually landed. In that instant I realized I landed in a place with not only greater population by numbers but by hearts. A place where greeting a person comes a whole family. Among the crowd I was trying to find my familiar face. My family that I left behind so long ago that the faces that I remember were young full of life. Forgetting that years had passed by, and what I was searching for now was older,  and a little more grayer. I greeted my family with tears of joy in my eyes, or it could be the heat and pollution but I would like to this it was joy.  

This country is divided in two segments, one side where the roads are smoother than any other nations, and the others where you still have to walk with obstacles. One where there are homes touching the sky and others where the ground is all they have. There is noise, there is pollution, and no one has any traffic sense what so ever. You would think there would be numerous accidents and ridiculous stress in this country. In my entire month there I saw two accidents, while in a developed countries I have been to I have seen 2 accidents probably a day. 

I promise I am getting to a point with these short blobs of mine. 
My entire trip to India  if I had to describe in a word would be unexpected. 

Past two months of my life have been unexpected. In these two months I have discovered every emotion there is a human can possibly feel. I have felt excited yet extremely stationary, Love and disgust, extreme joy and extreme sorrows. Just how India is, and being there made me realize that we all have our own world where everything exists, the matter is just the revelations of those parts of your world. India is a chaotic country, but still people have balanced there individual life in this chaos. They drive with absolute zero traffic sense, but they know how to avoid messes, they have learnt to communicate with the chaos. They suffer from insufficient water, drainage, and in general hygiene. They have learnt to work around it.  Similarly in our lives we have chaos called emotions. We have love with hate, happy with sad, anger with patience, etc. We just need to learn to manage the chaos, learn to work around it, expect that with time there will be more coming your way and you just got to smile and take it as it is. This is a lesson to be learnt from people who have way less materialistically then we do. Inner peace can never be achieved from the things outside. True joy of life is to smile in the sorrows and rise in the fallings. It taught me that I stress about the low internet speed, and not having an office job, to water being colder than usual one of the days, and snow not being shoveled on time. Things that will be solved eventually stresses me out leaving a permanent damage on my mental peace. So India's chaos taught me to calm down, enjoy every moment in my life and no matter if there is a tomorrow or not, stop and enjoy today.  My family had aged from when I saw them last, but only the exterior, the youthfullness was still exuberant, yet I became 10 years older than my age, the stresses in my life that haven't even begun yet started affecting me, and that aged me faster. 

So the people of this world, "slow down, take a deep breathe and say everything will be okay eventually, whenever eventually maybe but till then I am smiling in my sorrows and rising in my falls"

Hope you like this post as much as I enjoyed writing it. The chaos in my writing shall eventually make sense to all of you.

Skeptical Self :)