Saturday, November 16, 2013

Magnificent Tree!!!

I know I always continue to say in all of my posts that it was extremely difficult to write one, similarly I shall save you the trouble of reading it again. But this time my inspiration for this blog was derived from my walk in the hallways of my university. Four years I walked those hallways every day, and believe you me it’s a long time for someone to realize what the painting was trying to convey. That painting hangs where we enter the university leading towards our classes. I remember seeing it the first time, and I laughed at it because it clearly looked like it was hanging upside down. Then after looking at it for a couple of more minutes it intrigued me, and then I concluded that it was abstract modern art trying to convey something useless that I have no time to think about. 

After approximately two years post-graduation I was visiting my university, and as usually I glances at it and walked passed it. But this time around I found myself looking back and turning around towards the painting. I wasn't consciously doing so until I once again stood in front of it starring at its face. Blankly looking at it while a rush of students, old and new passed by me and probably getting irritated that I was blocking their way from quickly trying to reach their classes. This time around I truly understood why that painting hangs in the entrance of the university, I truly (well at least I think)  know that meaning of that painting in our lives.  The painting is a huge leafless tree and a house in the background, but the interesting part of painting is that it’s upside down. The trunks of the tree are at the top and the branches at the bottom. 

Its seems like a simple portrait of a tree, it’s the simplicity of this painting is what makes its so magnificent. To begin with the tree’s roots are at the top and branches at the bottom. This in general is indicative of how we learn throughout our lives. We learn the simply rules, basics of life at first. The superficial knowledge is as fragile as branches, it seems beautifully simple as leaves, but as you grow older and go more in-depth of the field the true sources subside. You learn depths (roots) of the topic. Which is usually very uninteresting and dry, just like the roots of a tree, but we all know without it there will be no tree. But most importantly what is interesting about this painting is, that doesn’t matter how hard I tried looking at the painting with a straight head, I always ended up tilting my head to look at the tree in the upright position.  This is the exact replication of life. Until our heads are a little tilted, until we strain our necks, until we look at the view from a different perspective we never see the true solution to the problems that we face.
So after a long journey through university, I truly realized that the purpose of an University is to teach us how to look a the same problem that we have been facing from a while in a different perspective. So don’t be afraid to strain you necks a little if the fruit is finding the solution you have been looking for.

The Magnificent tree !! 

Your's truly,

Skeptical Self