Sunday, November 20, 2011

Insipiration is us.

Today after attending a wonderfully organized TEDx event made me think about a lot of the issues and ideas that were brought forward by the speakers. They were really good prominent speakers and had to say things that could greatly impact our lives. Some of us might even say that they were inspirational speakers. Though I am not against that statement, i  would like to state otherwise. I think that they were all very influential speakers but i think inspiration comes from within. A lot of the speakers today said that we get inspired by people and inspired by things in our surrounding. According to me we get inspired by that one significant event in our lives to change the way we think. To aspire of what we believe in. All the speakers today attributed their success to their inspiration and the rest to their dedication but no one could really point out what their inspiration was. That is the case because what inspires US is US.  What influential speakers and prominent figures in our society do to us is make us think. They force us to believe that great things can be achieved. We all go out from influential speeches and tell ourselves we are going to do this from now on but none of us really follow through. The time that we follow through when we truly inspire ourselves from our conscious and critical think about the issue and then creatively act on it (as one of our speakers mentioned this scenarios today). When we inspire ourselves is when we rise in our self confidence and we begin to achieve great things and dedicate ourselves to great things. But some how in today's world it is really hard to inspire ourselves because we are constantly bombarded with ideas, images and a standard of how we should live our lives that we forget to look into the mirror and asks ourselves how we might want to live our lives. We forget to ask why we want to live our lives the way we do. So this was me thinking about all this during the conference was going on and while i was crossing the street i realized something
Our life is just like crossing a street (j-walking). "We have to estimate the distance between the nearest car to the farthest car, avoiding the nearest car and going ahead of the farthest car. The nearest car is our past that we try to avoid and crossing the street before farthest car gets to us is us seeing our future pass by as we want."

That was my little thought hope u enjoy it....if u like it that is


Skeptical Self

p.s. Thanks for a commendable effort to the TEDx Ryerson U team

Monday, September 26, 2011


To be born is to start the journey towards death.
Madeleine L’Engle 

Those who say, that starting a new beginning is for those who are brave, and those that only look at the end always fail!!. This philosophy maybe true and maybe false, but at the end of the day the person who looses the most is the person who always fears to begin. I have been wondering a lot now a days...sometimes about rubbish issues and sometimes about issues that gives me goosebumps. We all go through a lot in our lives. Certainly some people have more hardships than others but I think we all have our share ( i think). Anyways so I have been wanting to start everything over. Leave everything behind. By everything i mean everything. The country, the people, and the possessions. But then those are just physical objects in the universe. I may be able to the country but not its streets, I may be able to leave the people but not their memories and i may leave the possessions but not their need. So it all spirals down to the fact that the "thing" you want to leave behind the most is yourself and nothing else. Its seems practically impossible for obvious reasons. So i basically one can never escape the "soul" in themselves. Because there lies all the scares, the memories and the wisdom. Brings me back to saying that there are no true beginnings, that is just a metaphorical term used so one can please the self into thinking that our past will not influence our future. Truly what we mean by new beginnings is the process of substitution and then elimination. Simple basic math or perhaps the process of erosion and evolution basic biology or chromatography basic chemistry. Mathematically speaking one has to have more experiences in life in order to substitute the old ones thus eliminating them from our memories. One has to let the scares to slowly erode and then evolve on the newer experience and one has to let the heavier bogged down memories to lag behind as the more recent memories move to our frontal cortex. Moving away from boring scientific explanations i hope that i have not ruined anyone's beliefs about beginnings. I wish they existed. Well they do if you have amnesia :P...not that i m advocating that one should have amnesia to move forward in life.

Anyways i was filled up with emotions and thought i should write crap so i did.

Hope you enjoyed it :)...if u like it that is....

my innovative quote for the writing - " One's true liberation only comes with death ...everything in between is a mere illusion to achieve it  " super lame and sinical 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Melancholy and utopia are heads and tails of the same coin~GUNTER GRASS

So i have final exams and can't seem to concentrate. As usual who likes studying. But recently they keep in telecasting stupid movies on Sony about the fight against evil by Indian police inspector. And weirdly enough it got me thinking of everyone's purpose on earth. Is it that people always want to strive for a Utopia or they actually want it. I might sound really cynical but i think i like the world we live in minus a few glitches. I know that there is crime and I know there is murder, terrorism, pollution, population, and not to mention OMG global warming. And we hear over and over again in the news we need to get rid of the criminal, we need to do this and we need to do that. But truthfully imagine a real Utopian society. What is a Utopian society. Even though there is a definition of an Utopian society in the dictionary i think Utopia is a figurative speech, a metaphor, or rather a extremely subjective perspective of looking at the world. Let me give you an example of what utopia is from different kinds of people. 

From a poor man: I think utopia would be when no one goes to sleep hungry, everyone has a place to live in and to  protect their loved ones.

From a rich man: I think a Utopia is when no one will steal my money and i continuously get this wealth and prosperity and no one in my family falls sick.

From a criminal: I think a Utopia is when the reason for my behaviour vanishes, and i get another chance to prove myself, where i m also treated with respect even though i made a mistake once.

From  a police Force: I think an Utopia is when i m able to catch all the criminals in the world and i get awarded for it. 

From a doctors point of view: Not necessarily fatally ill but i get patients

From an engineers point of view: i want to make machines but to the point they don't take over me.  

These are just few examples....doesn't mean its true that they have to think like that. But imagine that everyone is rich, that means the value of money will vanish, imagine if every criminal is in jail or respected then we don't need police man, imagine that everyone stay healthy, we won't need the entire health industry, and imagine engineers make a machine that is as smart as a human, who will then need emotional fools such as us. 

So the point of this long rant is that everyone's utopia is different, and one mans utopia is another man's dystopia, for a non doctor being healthy is a utopia but for a doctor its a dystopia. And omg i don't know about u all, but if i had to live in a world where nothing is happening and every is like this then telling a joke to a sad person would be no longer fun. Making someone realize there mistake will be no fun, parents will never have to teach their kids anything and lovers will have no reason to manai ( god can't find the English word for it....what i mean to say is u know when they get mad go and make them happy) each other . And to give a religious point of view for those religious ones out there.......if heaven is on earth no one will ever wanna leave earth......and no offence if someone doesn't die the earth might have problems sustaining next 8 billion more people...its already over limit.....just food for thought...hehehe
so this was my most unproffesional blog for u all....hopefully i didn't break anyone's bubble of utopia....i love this world minus the rapist and terrorist everything is dandy.....well it might be an hypocritical statement ....but comeon u don't need to rape someone to get pleasure (plenty of that available in the market) and terrorist what can i say they are just fools trying to show of power ....well buddies show your power off where its plough some land ;).....
Okies so this was my really weird long first post of the year....and since there is noo summer school for me this year....hope to be writing soon :)....wish me luck for my exams :D

Enjoy: if you like it that is ;)

Skeptical self .....

p.s: my quote for the post:  " What you already have is exactly what you need...more is gonna be too much and less is going to hurt :)"