Wednesday, December 29, 2010


     I Like this quote I dislike this quote

“Uncertainty and mystery are energies of life. Don't let them scare you unduly, for they keep boredom at bay and spark creativity.”

hmm....almost 2 in the morning ...obviously extremely bored and my friend suggested that i should blog more often.I am taking his suggestion obviously but then again i don't understand why i am i doing. We all are bored once in a while and some of us are bored quite often.Some say if you get bored easily that means you don't know how to enjoy the things around you, and some say if you get bored easily then you yourself are a boring person. But i have a different take at this boredom situation. I think when i get bored i believe that its the threshold where the brain starts becoming creative. Confusing one might say...but when i m bored to the extreme level i search for novelty. And historical evidence has shown that scientist have discovered great things on the search of novelty, creativity and the sheer joy of curiosity. Curiosity doesn't occur without boredom being there to ignite the spark and novelty doesn't come unless you are bored by what you have already seen. Recently while watching a play the character kept on saying compliment in disguise, similarly boredom is the push towards fun in disguise. So it seems like everything you do is a disguise of something that is in process to come.Not guaranteed that it will be good but definitely will take you out of your "boredom"
Last post of 2010 so let me leave you all with a quote ......definitely of my own creations :P

"like love  is disguise of  pain and light is disguise of dark , similarly i m a disguise of u and u of mine " ....hahah that was horrible because my horrible end is a disguise of .....u fill the rest up!!!!

BYE 2010 
and welcome 2011 

Hope u enjoyed the post
have fun ....if u liked it tht is :P
skeptical self...adios...amigoss